Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Open Letter to Hicham Kwieder

In response to the Clare College imbroglio which is covered in more detail:
Here, and Here, and here. And discussed at length at Harry's Place in this post and this post and this post the Chairman of the Cambridge Mosque Committee has issued the following press release.

1 February 2007 / 23 Muharram 1428


In the name of Allah, the Compassionate and Merciful

The Cambridge Muslim Welfare Society, the controlling authority of the Cambridge Mosque, has made the following statement on behalf of the Mosque Committee and congregation:

With sorrow and anger the Mosque notes the publication, in the student newsletter Clareification, of material which deliberately insults the honour of the Blessed Prophet Muhammad (s.w.s.). Mindful of its duty before Almighty Allah and before humanity to defend the honour and good name of the Final Prophet, the Mosque condemns this provocation in the strongest terms.

We note with satisfaction the statement by Clare College in condemnation of the students’ actions. We accept that the College and University in no way bear responsibility for this publication and the views which it contains.

We hope and trust that the College’s view of the matter will be reflected in a statement from the students concerned, and that the students will offer a full and unconditional apology for their irresponsible action.

The University’s record of freedom of expression is a matter of record and of pride. However it is clear that incitement to religious and ethnic hatred is at all times immoral, and that its consequences for harmony between communities and nations can be grave. It is particularly important that the boundary between fair comment and hate speech be respected and understood at the present time, when misunderstanding and sometimes hatred directed against ethnic minorities of Muslim faith living in the West is on the rise, a process often exploited by far-right and racist groups whose political and social vision is abhorrent to all decent people.

Hicham Kwieder
Chairman of the Mosque Committee

I think that some response is required and have written the following letter to Hicham Kweider at :

Abu Bakr Jamia Mosque

Mawson Road, Cambridge CB1 2DZ

Re Press release of 11th February in response to Clare College Publication

Dear Sir,

You have issued a press release in the name of the The Cambridge Muslim Welfare Society that expresses your sorrow and anger about at what you perceive to be a slight of what is for you a revered religious figure.

Whilst you are free to revere whom you will, that very freedom precludes you from demanding similar reverence from others.

And whilst you may request an apology for such perceived slights you cannot demand it with veiled threats about "grave consequences" and "irresponsible actions".

You most certainly should not be demanding that higher authorities, in this case Clare College, compel anyone falling under their authority, to apologize for the offence of a religious taboo.

It is not just the University's record of freedom of expression that is at stake, it is that of the society in which it stands as a bastion of those values of liberty of thought and expression and the tolerance required for their flourishing.

The only hatred religious or otherwise that is being incited here is on the part of those claiming offence.

Demanding apologies for "insults" to prophets and then reminding people about "grave consequences" if they are not forthcoming is a cause of antipathy towards Muslims: not a way of combating prejudice.

Even accepting that hate Speech should be a constraint on free expression - such constraints are designed to protect living persons and cannot be invoked to protect doctrines or religious beliefs on the mere pretext that such beliefs have living persons as adherents. Your role may extend so far as advocating that Muslims as persons are protected from extreme vilification, but such a consideration cannot extend to the religious doctrine they choose to adhere to.

Yours Sincerely

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